Tag: leadership

Into the Darkness We Walk, Together, Side by Side

A leader can be defined by what he or she does for the company in terms of results and development but another perspective is what they do for the people in their charge. As a leader you have a responsibility to take care of the people serving under you. If you do this you will have a loyal team that do their best to not let you or the company down.

Part of this is to challenge them to grow and develop. To challenge someone you need to make them move out of their comfort zone. You can push them but in my experience it is far more effective to go with them. If they feel you got their back they will surely have yours when the time comes.

A quotation that captures this elegantly is the jewel from Joel Barker. It is simple and yet powerful!

“A leader is someone you’d follow to go somewhere that you wouldn’t go by yourself.”

Joel Barker

Holding Out For A Hero, really?

I hate to disagree with the lovely Bonnie Tyler but this might not be the best way to go about it. It is all to common to see people with great initiative and drive work hard to move the needle but often they burn out from lack of support from the people surrounding them.

We should not build our organisations on the need for these heroes or supermen (and women). The system must be robust and easy to manage so that no one person will make or break it.

Through engagement we build teams that work together to succeed. I think this quote from Peter Drucker sums is up quite nicely.

“No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings.”

Peter Drucker

New design for the Books section and more books!

I have finally gotten around to redesigning the books section and I hope you like it and find it usefull. The big changes are that I have added synopsis texts along side my own views and I have added links to where you can buy the books.

The links provided are NOT affiliate links, I just wanted to make it easy for you to get the books if you found them interesting. I love books and I hope you do to.

If you have any suggestions how I could make it even better I’d love to hear in the comments.

Also, I have started adding more books. I haven’t had to much time to spend working on the site but I have been reading as much as I can and will be posting articles on many of them and add them to the books section.

Happy reading!

Some summer inspiration

I am on my second week of summer vacation, being away from work sets your mind free to wander. To focus my mind I go back to some inspirational quotes of ancient and recent wisdom.

First we have something from antiquity that I truly live by and have most of my life.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotele

Next we have two Deming quotes. Quite different but very important when it comes to leadership and Lean. The first one is straight forward, if people fear showing results they think will displease their managers they will find a way to make the numbers more pleasing.

“Whenever there is fear, you will get wrong figures.” – W. Edwards Deming

Then we have the role of a leader, some think it is important to have all the answers and stand tall with having all the facts. You can never have all the facts and if you think you do you will close your mind from further expansion from learning more. One very important role of the leader is to ask the right questions but also to coach the people in your charge to ask the right questions thenselves.

“If you do not know how to ask the right questions, you discover nothing.” – W. Edwards Deming

And the last one today is something I struggle with but something I strive to improve every day.

“Follow effective action with quiet reflection, and then from the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” – Peter Drucker

I hope you all are having a good summer!