Tag: books

New design for the Books section and more books!

I have finally gotten around to redesigning the books section and I hope you like it and find it usefull. The big changes are that I have added synopsis texts along side my own views and I have added links to where you can buy the books.

The links provided are NOT affiliate links, I just wanted to make it easy for you to get the books if you found them interesting. I love books and I hope you do to.

If you have any suggestions how I could make it even better I’d love to hear in the comments.

Also, I have started adding more books. I haven’t had to much time to spend working on the site but I have been reading as much as I can and will be posting articles on many of them and add them to the books section.

Happy reading!

Gemba Walks by James P. Womack

Today I have added a book to the book section that I highly recommend!

One of the greatest challenges when it comes to Lean is to adapt the thinking of the iterative continuous improvement was to problem solving. In my opinion this is aided by examples from the real world. It is important though not to see them as guides of how to do but rather ideas on how to approach a problem, how to think in the face of challenges.

Of all the books I have read so far this is one of my favourites. We get to come along with James P. Womack on his journey of going to the Gemba and seeing for himself. A valuable insight in to one of the more known students of Lean.

A new section has been added

I want to share a passion of mine, reading. Over time I will be adding more books that I recommend for other students of Lean.

First out is the classics, The Toyota Way and Lean Thinking. These are the books that really got me going and woke my thirst for more.

If you have any recommendations for me you are free to post below.