Month: May 2018

New additions to the Terminology section

First of all I have updated the text on Heijunka adding a little more depth: “Leveling the flow. A form of production scheduling that purposely manufactures in much smaller batches by sequencing (mixing) product variants within the same process.”

And Also there are a few new words

Autonomation: “intelligent automation” or “automation with a human touch.” If an abnormal situation arises the machine stops and the worker will stop the production line.

Kanban: A method of regulating the flow of goods both within the factory and with outside suppliers and customers. Based on automatic replenishment through signal cards or containers that indicate when more goods are needed.

Takt-time: The pace of production (e.g. manufacturing one piece every 60 seconds) that aligns production with customer demand. Calculated as Planned Production Time / Customer Demand.

Poka-yoke: Design error detection and prevention into production processes with the goal of achieving zero defects.

New Quotes

I am thinking that I will post here when I add new quotes or new terminology. Today it is a few quotes, they will ofcourse also be found in the Quotes section

“Determine what your customers need, and then work backwards.” – Jeff Bezoz

“94% of problems in business are systems driven and only 6% are people driven.” – W. Edward Deming

“There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all” – Peter Drucker

“If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” – Henry Ford

How did I first get into Lean?

When I first came in contact with Lean, I was working at a factory within the automotive industry. I must admit that at first I didn’t get it at all. It seemed to be used only as a tool to downsize and to lower the number of people needed on the production line. This lead me to get a very bad first impression. Also it was not really involving the workers of whom I was one so it was hard to get a grip of what it was all about.

As time went on I started to pick up on things that lead me to think there was something more to this Lean. I decided that I had to learn more, I wanted to know what the reasoning was behind what I saw.

Since I had learned that Lean was originally from Toyota, it seemed that Jeffrey Likers The Toyota Way was a good place to start. The short of it is that I was hooked immediately. The next book was Lean Thinking by Jim Womack. Again, it really opened my eyes to a whole new world. At this point I didn’t really know who any of the famous Lean-thinkers where but as it happens I had picked a good starting point.

Now began the journey to learn from the real world and to get everything I had read in perspective. To be honest this turned out to be very hard. What I had read and what I saw was not really matching up. At first I got confused but soon realized that most people around me knew as little or sometimes even less than I did about Lean.

The first line managers used a lot of expressions in Japanese but I don’t really think they knew fully what was behind them. This was evident it the way it was applied and presented to us on the factory floor. I decided that if I was to become more familiar with Lean and to understand and practice it fully this would be something I needed drive myself.

In the following year I read a lot, listened to podcasts, listened to colleagues and talked Lean. With every conversation and with everything I read I grew as a person and as a Lean thinker. However it was a hard journey, I didn’t really have backing from my manager or my surroundings. The joy of learning and developing skills made it worth every effort and I realized that if my current employer wasn’t going to utilize my newly found knowledge I might have to find someone who did.

This was but the first chapter of my journey to learn about and practice Lean.

I have added a new quotes section!

For me, quotes are quite inspirational. They often capture a very complex concept in a very simple way and make them digestible for all. This is why I have started to compile a list of quotes that inspire me from the lean or leadership world. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

New theme!

The old theme was not playing ball. I couldn’t get everything the way I wanted. It was distracting me from actually doing what I set out to do. Just write and reflect about Lean and my journey through it.

I found a simpler theme that also worked way better for mobile devices. Not perfect but good enough. If I want to build a reference library in the end I want people to be able to use it easily where ever they are.

Coding is not my strongest skill

Trying to get the visuals of the site a little more pleasant. It’s a little better but I might have destroyed the template while doing so.

The mobile version is really not what I am hoping for. And since most people seem to lookup things on their phones nowadays I really need to fix it. Will continue working on it of course.