New additions to the Terminology section
First of all I have updated the text on Heijunka adding a little more depth: “Leveling the flow. A form of production scheduling that purposely manufactures in much smaller batches by sequencing (mixing) product variants within the same process.”
And Also there are a few new words
Autonomation: “intelligent automation” or “automation with a human touch.” If an abnormal situation arises the machine stops and the worker will stop the production line.
Kanban: A method of regulating the flow of goods both within the factory and with outside suppliers and customers. Based on automatic replenishment through signal cards or containers that indicate when more goods are needed.
Takt-time: The pace of production (e.g. manufacturing one piece every 60 seconds) that aligns production with customer demand. Calculated as Planned Production Time / Customer Demand.
Poka-yoke: Design error detection and prevention into production processes with the goal of achieving zero defects.