Tag: sort

I Really Don’t Understand the Purpose of 6S

The 5S method has been around a long time. With it’s roots in CANDO from Henry Ford it has matured and become a solid method to bring order and efficiency to the workplace (or home for that matter). It has stuck around this long because it works.

Variations of 5S

I recent years it has become more and more common to see variations, 6S, 7S and yesterday I even saw a 10S chart. I still can’t figure out if the last one was a joke or serious. It is only natural that a method evolves over time but it is important that changes are in tune with its roots.

The sixth S in 6S is Safety and we can all agree that safety is very important. Working in industrial manufacturing it can, in some cases, literally be a matter of life and death. Even if it is not that serious it is still important to be able to return home every day safe and sound.

Now my problem is not with safety but with it not fitting in as a next step. “How do you mean safety don’t fit with 5S?” You might ask yourself. Safety is an integral part of 5S from the start, even if it is not apparent at first glance.

The Structure of 5S

5S in its basic form is a method of steps. Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain. Each step build on the previous to create a workplace of order and structure that is easy to maintain.

To set in order it is important to first sort out and remove all tools and materials that you don’t use. If you don’t you waste time and space sorting things that is of no use. When you have set things in order it is much easier to shine the workplace to find and eliminate sources of dirt and grime. And once you have things sorted, organized and clean you can establish this as a standard. Lastly when there is a standard you work with the team to maintain the standards and even improve upon them to sustain what you have accomplished. Well, you get the general idea.

What is Wrong With Safety?

There is nothing wrong with safety, rather the opposite, it is paramount for a successful workplace. Safety is the foundation on which all good teams are built. My problem with safety is that is does not fit as a sixth S.

5S is a method that take years to implement fully from the start. Sure, you get momentum at first and see big improvements but to make it an integral part of your daily operations, to make the team fully committed to sustaining this order, it takes time. Putting safety as the sixth step to implement after you have archived the previous five is too late.

5S is safety!

My take on this is that safety don’t need to be the sixth S since it is and should always be a part of 5S from the start. When you remove the clutter for the workplace you make is safer, when you set thing in order you make it less likely that anyone have an accident. When the place is clean there are no dirt or grime to slip on. And if you can maintain the standard you are in fact support keeping the workplace safe.

In every step of 5S you have the opportunity to implement safety. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) need order and structure to be easy to use and be accessible when it is needed. It is all connected.

In my opinion 6S does not bring anything to the table that 5S don’t already do. I think it is important to keep your guiding principles simple and you methods focused for the greatest effect. Don’t fix what is not broken!

5S: Seiri

Today a new word was added to the terminology section. Seiri, the first step of 5S.


The first step of 5S, usually translated to “sort”. It is about sorting everything in a workarea and decide if it is needed for getting the job done. Things not needed are removed.