Why do I feel like the only one?

Lately I have been thining alot about engagement. In a discussion at work it became obvious that I was one of the few who really cared at all about the company vision and goals. Why is that?

Now to set the stage. I am fortunate to work as a teamleader for what I would describe as a above average team. They are excellent at the core tasks and they do what is required of them when it comes to communication and documentation. They always try to set the best conditions for the next shift and the customer is always in focus. What more can one ask?

Well, from my perspective I have every reason to be proud and coming to work is always enjoyable. On the other hand, one thing that inspires me is knowing I work for one of the best companies in our field. A company with lofty environmental goals and a strive to push research and development. When I see our products on the streets or on TV it always put a smile on my face. Why do I feel like the only one?

I try, I really do, to share my view and try to make others see our company with my eyes but I don’t always succeed. I would wish for them to find the same inspiration as I do in what we do. Maybe they are getting there but I just have a head start. It’s hard to know for sure.

It got me thinking, am I being disrespectful to them? Is it really my place to push my view on others even if it is done with the best of intentions? Should I just let it be and keep on with work as usual? It is really hard, when you have found something good you want to share it with others. I will need to think some more on this…