Tag: lao tzu

New Quotes

The more time I spend researching quotes the more pumped up and inspired I get. It is so fascinating to me how so much wisdom can be condensed into a single phrase or paragraph.

“Those that know do, Those that understand, teach.” – Aristotele

I found this very funny. A popular saying goes “Those who can’t do teach”. It seems obvious that there is a connection. The original quote is quite profound and to me it means that when you learn a skill or task you can perform it very well but when you reach a level of mastery and understanding you cannot help but become a teacher.

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Sir Winston Churchill

In a team environment it is very important to speak up and share what is on your mind. However, it is also very important to trust those around you, to listen and not push your own view in every discussion. In listening to others trying to understand rather than to answer there is much to be learned.

“People don’t resist change, they resist being changed.” – Peter Drucker

This might seem like a very thin distinction but the way I see it people don’t mind change and development if they truly feel they have a say in it. To have changed forced upon you will naturally make you defensive. If people are involved in the process of change it will become a natural part of life.

“The only thing worse than training people and loosing them is not training them and keeping them.” – Zig Ziglar

I have heard this attributed to Richard Branson but I think Zig Ziglar pre-dates him. Companies who expect excellence from its employees must invest in their development. How to go about it is different for different people but if you don’t you risk having unmotivated people since the ones with their own drive tend to move on.

New Quotes added

Today’s addition are some of my favourites. From now on I will also get a brief explanation what the quote mean to me.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams

This is so true, I find that the true measure of a leader is not how far they can lift themselves but how far they can lift others. If you as a leader see everyone as competition, you will always be fighting.

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt

When I first heard this I was all giggles for days. It is such a simple statement but it is in my opinion the ultimate strive of any leader. If you can build a genuine trust everything becomes a team effort.

“To acquire knowledge, add things everyday. To acquire wisdom, subtract things everyday.” – Lao Tzu

I don’t know if I am missunderstanding the intention. But I am thinking that we should study wide to find all the facts, but find our focus to really understand. When I was at Uni I had classmates that could recite many of the texts but didn’t understand the meaning of them.